Tuesdays with Dorie, Baking Chez Moi: Palets de Dames, Lille Style


And we’re off! Or welcome back?! Take your pick.

First things first, you are probably here because you are baking your way through Dorie Greenspan‘s brilliant new cookbook, Baking Chez Moi, with Tuesdays with Dorie. For those who have been here before, welcome back, nice to see you! There are so many familiar faces baking with TWD again, that its like the gang is all back together. I am so excited about that. For those who are new, welcome! I am Laurie, I started TWD in 2008 thinking no one would bake through Baking From My Home to Yours with me. Little did I know that everyone would bake with me and we would still be willing to tackle new projects together 6 years later. Its shocking and wonderful all at the same time.


Now, I haven’t blogged in a long while. Two and a half years worth of a while. Things have been hectic here. I have 3 boys, ages 12, 10 and 7. The youngest who has various special needs in epilepsy and autism. It keeps things extremely interesting, and fun and sometimes exhausting and frustrating but its a very full life. And I adore it. However, its kept me from this space for too long. I hope that TWD will get me back to regular blogging again.

Now, I am posting late for a Tuesday, which really is not unusual for me. I’m a procrastinator. But, this time, my middle boy, Bro, has stomach flu and it threw the schedule off. I, also, didn’t feel like it was kind to be baking cookies while he was unable to keep anything down. Today, he was finally able to eat again, so I got the dough going and baked them up. This recipe is so simple and easy. Just with a small hours rest in the middle. I did add more vanilla than called for, well, because I always do. I, also, added lemon zest to the glaze and topped with some coconut sugar that I was gifted at some point. My resident tester, Liam, deemed them “good” but added “They get all their flavor from the glaze.” I concur. A good simple cookie, that will be perfect with my coffee tomorrow.

I say we are off to a good start.

Special thanks to Jules and Steph for helping get TWD:BCM started! MUAH!


21 thoughts on “Tuesdays with Dorie, Baking Chez Moi: Palets de Dames, Lille Style

  1. Hi Laurie, I am happy to be back with TWD. I hope that Bro is feeling better and is back to his normal self soon. These cookies were devine – I love your snowy tops.

  2. Yay! I’m so excited to be baking Dorie recipes again. Okay, I never really stopped, so I should say that I’m happy to have new Dorie recipes to make. Lol. I hope Bro feels better soon, and that things aren’t too hectic in general. =)

  3. Thank you Laurie for all you have done for TWD and our French Friday site! You really are wonderful, and I so appreciate everything you do!
    I am happy to be blogging along with the TWD group…and excited to be starting this new adventure! And although I’m a proud Dorista from French Fridays, baking has always been my passion! Here’s to new beginnings!
    Your cookies look fabulous and I’m sure your son was quite happy you waited before baking them!

  4. Procrastinators unite!! I am going to organize a get together for all the procrastinating bakers…later…I will do that later. BTW you cookies look delicious (and I hope your little one feels better soon).

  5. So good to be back! So good to see you posting. So frightening to think your children are getting so big!! (Of course the other option is not acceptable.) Here we go: We’re BACK!!! 🙂

  6. Hi Laurie. I am back to one site, I am new to one and I am a veteran of yet another (TWD, BCM and FFWD 🙂 And I am appreciative of your starting this little old group that morphed into quite some collaboration. It is a very fun journey and I look forward to the enjoying the old and new relationships…not to mention some great recipes.

  7. kitchen flavours

    Hi Laurie.
    These cookies are delightful!
    Thank you for TWD which I have been following for a few years but have never joined in before. Well, here I am! So glad to be baking with all the lovely bakers at TWD! Looking forward to a delicious baking adventure! Glad to see you back in posting!

  8. Laurie!!! It is such a reunion. I have you to thank for so much goodness in my life – friends, baking skillz, and lots of fun (my co-workers thank you too as they get all the treats). Looking forward to baking along. Gosh, your boys are how old now?! I guess 2008 was a long time ago! – mary

  9. Yay!! The band is back together! So sorry your guy had the flu. No fun. 😦 I am glad you were able to get these baked up and glazed. They look beautiful. I am so glad to be back baking with you again!

  10. I am very happy to be joining TWD with Dorie’s new book! I’m a longtime FFWD-er, but new to TWD. I too have a child with special needs (CP and autism) and it can be hard to find time for the fun stuff, like blogging. Nice to meet you!

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