Cupcake Hero: December’s Theme


I love Christmas!! Let me say it again. I LOVE CHRISTMAS! Now, Im not highly religious. In fact, Im not religious at all. (Sorry Grandma!) But I love the holiday season. I love that people seem nicer. Most do anyway. (Im talking about you, the lady at the grocery store, who asked me to shut my door so you could pull in next to me, then parked within 4 inches of my car, so I couldnt get my son in. YES YOU! You know who you are.) I love shopping for the kids. I love all the baking. I love the smell of the tree. You get it. I love Christmas.

When I think of Christmas, so many things come to mind. Lovely smells and tastes. The lights, the tree… But its a hella busy month for everyone. Especially those with kids. The shopping, school parties, bday parties, wrapping etc…. I knew I needed help this month. So, I asked the most kick ass cupcake Mom of them all to be my co-host. Imagine how stoked I was when she said YES! I bring you Natalie of Bake and Destroy! (Although, Im so Robin in this scenario.) Natalie and I discussed many different very Christmasy theme ingredients. In the end, the perfect theme reigned supreme. (Thank you Iron Chef.) I give you:


You can have your hand at any mint you’d like. Peppermint, spearmint, apple mint and fresh mint, candy, extract, you name it. Give ‘er a go! Any kind of mint you want. There is no better time of year to try things with mint. Its such a wintery, christmasy flavor. So, go forth and bake in hopes of being the Next Cupcake Hero. Natalie and I will be waiting with visions of minty sugar plum cupcakes dancing in our heads.

For those who don’t know what Cupcake Hero is about. Here’s the deal. Each month there is a theme ingredient. That ingredient must be used in the cupcake, frosting, filling or all of the above if you so choose. Pretty simple. Come on, you know your going to be baking for Christmas anyway. Give it a shot!

The theme ingredient for December is: MINT

If you want to participate, send us your cupcakery to superslush AT AND cisforcupcake AT by December 31. This gives you lotsa time after the holiday, right???

  • Name
  • Your blog name and URL**
  • Link to your Cupcake Hero entry
  • Picture of your cupcakery (250 width is prefered)

Remember: The theme ingredient, MINT, must be used in the cake, frosting or filling.

Winner receives a super cool Cupcake Hero t-shirt. Nothing says “Im a Winner!” like a rad t-shirt. And my wicked co-host, Natalie, is giving away a Bake and Destroy care package as well. If thats not incentive enough, I dont know what is!!

*I reply to every entry via email. If you dont get a “thank you” email from me, I did not get your entry. Please send it again, or say “HEY! Did ya get my cupcake or not, yo?” I want to make sure everyone that bakes for the Hero is included!

**If you dont have a blog just email me your name, recipe, picture and notes and I will post it for you.



11 thoughts on “Cupcake Hero: December’s Theme

  1. Hey! Something’s different around here! Your banner looks slick, I like it. Everything looks very clean and fresh. Like mint! So excited about that one! Don’t worry, I *can* get fresh mint here!

  2. Gretchen- Thanks! Im still unsure about the new theme. I appreciate the kindly comments. And Im SOOO glad you can get mint! 😉 I figured just about everyone should be able to get some kind of mint to bake with?? Cant wait to see what you bake up!

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