February’s Cupcake Hero Theme…


February is the month of lovers, Valentine’s Day and all the crap that goes with it. (Although, it is the month of Ground Hog’s Day, which is a big freaking deal here in PA. But, I couldnt think of a good theme to go with that…sorry Punxsutawney Phil.) Pink and red as far as the eye can see. Disappointed ladies all across the globe. I will be perfectly honest, I hate V-Day. I think its a commercial trap. Making partners think they have to go above and beyond on this ONE day to let their sig. other know they love them. I think its utter shite. I would much rather know that I am loved on the other 364 days a year, thank you very much.

I picked up a stellar sidekick for the month too, Oh yes, I did! Please welcome, the one, the only, Tempered Woman (TW) as my very cool, and lushy co-host. She and I will happily pick apart all the entries with glee. Thanks for agreeing TW! I couldn’t do this month without you babe!

In honor of this crappy holiday, the theme ingredient for this month will be:


The theme ingredient for February is: Liquor

Go get out your hooch and bake us the booziest cupcakes ever! TW and I will be glad to try as many as possible. And probably drink a little along the way. Well, not probably, we will. And not a little, most likely a lot. Go forth and bring on the drunken cupcakes!

If you want to participate, send me your cupcakery to superslush AT gmail.com AND temperedwoman AT gmail.com by February 23rd. Please send all entries to BOTH addresses, people!

  • Name
  • Your blog name and URL*
  • Link to your Cupcake Hero entry
  • Picture of your cupcakery (250 width is prefered)

Remember: The theme ingredient, liquor, must be used in the cake, frosting or filling.

Winner receives a super cool Cupcake Hero t-shirt. Nothing says “Im a Winner!” like a t-shirt. TW has offered up a gift pack of her own and I think she mentioned Penzeys. (I think shes just trying to out do me.) Lucky bastards!

I reply to every entry via email. If you dont get a “thank you” email from me, I did not get your entry. Please send it again, or say “HEY! Did ya get my cupcake or not?” I want to make sure everyone that bakes for the Hero is included!

*If you dont have a blog just email me your name, recipe, picture and notes and I will post it for you.

23 thoughts on “February’s Cupcake Hero Theme…

  1. Does it count if something is only liquor flavoured, like using a rum extract? I don’t touch a drop myself, and wouldn’t ever have any in the house to use or want to consume any. Yeah, yeah, I know, I’m a weirdo, lol.

  2. nikki57

    Yay, it’s a good thing I guessed right. I already know what I’m making and if for some reason you failed me and did chocolate I was fully prepared to stick a Hershey’s kiss on top 🙂

  3. hmm..so does it have to be actual cupcake form?? hehe or can it be..layers like…cake..sloshiness..filling..cake..closhiness…filling..etc..lol I have a wonderful cake recipe that would be adorable small and full of liquor..hmm maybe I will have to play with this hehe

  4. Jen- Cant wait to see what you come up with!

    lemontartlet- Extract really isnt the same as liquor. I would suggest buying a mini bottle? Its only a few ounces and only a few dollars too.

    Michelle- haha! I hope you do!

    nikki- I was trying to please the masses, thats all. 😉

    CB- Im really not choosy. So go with your gut. 😛

    Alanna- Im so glad your joining us!

    Tina- I would say, yes it needs to be in cupcake form. If you layer it, it becomes more of a dessert IMO. But you do what YOU want, I cant wait to see what you have in mind. Sounds very interesting!

  5. That’s allright, I’ll just wait for next month, yay! Gives me a chance to improve my baking skills before trying to compete with y’all genuises. I try to avoid bringing it in the house all together, due to a former way too enthusiastic fondness for the stuff. Ahem. *giggle*

  6. Liqour …huh? I guess I’ll have to go the liquor store and get at least 5-6 bottles. You know, I have to sample the liquor before I can decide which one to use. 🙂

  7. Dawn

    I think I’m going to have to try my hand at this one. I have ideas already. Yummy!
    But in all honesty, I love Valentines Day. I do it different though: I make a point of using the day to tell the people who are important to me how I feel. I love to send gifts or cards or other surprises to people just to make their day. If Vday is supposed to be about love, then I figure I should share it with everyone, not just my hubby. I like any excuse to send a smile someone’s way!

  8. Oh this will be good! There’s so many different directions to go! Now should we limit ourselves to just hard liquor per se or would wine or beer be acceptable? What about the not so hard candy like liquors like creme de menthe and Baileys? I’m not sure I can pick just one….

  9. lemontartlet- Sorry babe!

    Gigi- Wish I had bailey’s in my am coffee!

    Dawn- Thats so sweet of you! You are doing up Valentine’s the right way! I admire that.

    Mary= Any liquor, booze, beer, or wine is allowed. Go nuts!

  10. *cackles in mad scientist ways*

    Oh!! The borracho cupcakes are already churning out! But… damn! I probably would have been the first entry this month if it hadn’t been for the frosting… *sighs and damns frosting to hell for the day*

    [No worries.. a post will be forthcoming on my blog to give my horror story. But y’all know I won’t send it in until the frosting quits tripping me up. Good thing I started early!!]

  11. Beth G- Cant wait to see what you drink up! lol

    Mrs L- I hope you will come back to see all the boozy cupcakes.

    bombshellwithin- If I am going to screw up, its on the frosting. I feel your pain. And Im super interested too.

    boringhistorygirl- haha Cant wait to see what you bake!

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