Cupcake Hero: Project Baby



When picking this month’s Cupcake Hero theme ingredient, I knew some people would be excluded for religious, personal, or medical reasons. With that in mind, I am going to hold a Baby Cupcake Hero event, in honor of my baby’s 1st birthday on February 22nd. This should please the masses, as well as, help me out in picking the perfect cake for Colby’s 1st birthday.

Here is the gist, I am looking for a cupcake or very small cake that screams Baby’s 1st Birthday! He has no allergies that we know of. So, you can go crazy with flavor combinations. The sky is the limit.*  But, it must look like a cupcake or little cake for a baby. You know what I mean, otherwise know as “The Smash Cake”. I promise to provide many pictures of my boy covered in cake.

If you want to participate, send me your cupcakery to superslush AT by February 16th. Please put Baby Cupcake Hero in the subject line!

  • Name
  • Your blog name and URL*
  • Link to your Cupcake Hero entry
  • Picture of your cupcakery (250 width is prefered)

 The winner will get a prize. I have not decided what, but I promise not to disappoint. And really, aren’t mystery prizes the best?

*The sky is the limit flavorwise, however, there are certain foods they do not recommend for babies. Nuts of any kind, including nut butters and honey need to be avoided. Thanks!

13 thoughts on “Cupcake Hero: Project Baby

  1. Oh, I’m so excited! I’m one of those who won’t be doing this month’s regular Hero event, and I’m so excited to have a good excuse for doing a Baby Hero event! Thanks!

  2. CB- I guess you can?

    April- Thanks!

    lemontartlet- Looking forward to what yall come up with.

    Ritsumei- Your very welcome!

    nikki- thanks babe!

    Mary- I hope its fun! Kids cakes the best!

  3. since there’s no flavor specification will this cake be judged more on style? or is it really about the recipe rather than the “look?” seems like baby stuff is alway so cute. it’s half the fun, you know? i’m hoping i can find time to participate. i’m already freaking out about the feb. DB challenge!

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